HAY, John

HAY, John. Near Aberdeen 23.4.1812 — 1891. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Son of Patrick Hay, educated at Aberdeen University, M.A. 1833. Ordained priest 1839. “In 1839 joined the Madras Mission of the L[ondon] M[issionary] S[ociety], and the staff of the British and Foreign Bible Society about 1883. D.D. of an American Uni­versity about 1881.” Fellow of Madras University in 1888-89, then apparently returned to Scotland. Made benefactions to the Indian community of Vizagapatam, where he worked many years (from 1840).

Publications: Wrote religious works and articles in missionary periodicals.

For about 20 years took a leading part in the revision of the Telugu translation of the Bible (rev. N.T. 1856, the whole Bible printed Madras 1881).

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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