ANDRADE, António d’

ANDRADE, António d’. Oleiros (Olivios), Beira Alta 1580 — Goa 19.3.1634. S.J. Portuguese Priest and Jesuit Missionary in India and Tibet (Ladakh). Joined the S.J. in 1596 and 1600 went to India (Goa). Nominated the head of the first Jesuit mission to Tibet he left with his companies in 1624 from Agra to Ladakh: via Delhi, Hardvar, Badrinath. They founded a station in Tsaparang, the capital of the principality of Guge, under the patronage of the local prince. His original intention was to search for the remains of Nestorianism, and now he actually interpreted Lamaism (which he intensely hated) as corrupt Christianity. He sent his colleagues to Rudok, Leh, and also to Tibet proper (Shigatse). In 1630 he was nominated the Provincial of Goa, where he excelled as an ardent inquisitor. The mission in Ladakh withered under his incompetent successors (—> Azevedo) and the Lamaist opposition and was finally closed in 1635. Poison has been suggested for the reason of his death.

Publications: Novo descobrimento do Grão Cataio ou des reinos do Tibete. Lisbon 1626, translated into several languages; and published letters.

Sources: Koch, Jesuitenlexikon; Wikipedia (with picture); *Fr. Esteves Pereira (ed.), O Descobrimento do Tibet pelo P.Antonio de Andrade. Coimbra 1924; Wessels 1924, 35ff.

*J.C. Aschoff, Tsaparang. Königsstadt in Westtibet. Die vollständige Berichte des Jesuitenpaters António de Andrade und eine Beschreibung vom heutigen Zustand der Klöster. 176 p. 52 photos. Eching vor München 1989.

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