ILDEPHONSUS A PRAESENTATIONE BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS (lay Joseph Igris). Skalitz/Szakolcza, Diocese Neutra, Hungary (now Skalica in Slovakia) 1724 — Mielec, Austrian Galicia (now Poland) 30.10. 1790. Father. Austrian or Hungarian (?) Carmelite Priest and Missionary in South India. Joined the order (its Polonian Province) in 1748 in Cracow. In 1756-59 studied at mission seminary, then sent to Malabar mission and arrived at Veerapoly in 1761. In 1768 visited Rome as eo. Procurator. Nominated Apostolic Visitor of Malabar in 1771, but declined. His last years he lived as Commissary and Provincial Vicar in Mielec, Eastern Galicia. According to his contemporaries he knew Sanskrit.
Publications: Manuscript works (kept in Rome): Grammatica Malabarica. (Malayālam grammar). Manuscript 1768; Alphabetum Samscrdamicum litteris Granthamicis cum Latina pronuntiatione earum.
– Collectio omnium dogmarum & arcanorum ex Puránis seu libris Canonicis paganorum Indianorum, seu tractatus de falsa secta paganorum Indianorum Asiae maioris seu Indiae Orientalis & praesertim de superstitionibus Gentilium Malabarium. Ed. with introduction and notes by J. Charpentier. Uppsala 1933 (Collection of all dogms and secrets from the Purāṇas or canonical books of Indian pagans, or tractate about the false sects of Indian pagans of Asia Maior or East India, especially of the superstitions of Malabarian pagans).
Sources: L. Rocher, Purāṇas. A Hist. of Indian Lit. 2:3. Wb. 1986, 11; Thankappan Nair 1973, 130.
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