(IMBAULT-)HUART, Marie Clément. Paris 15.2.1854 — Paris 30.12.1926. French Oriental Scholar. Son of an advocate. Started Arabic in the age of 14, then studied at É.P.H.É. and É.L.O.V. After a period (1875-78) as interpreter student in French consulate in Damascus he served nearly 20 years in Constantinople, in the end as General Consul. In 1898 returned to France, where he became Secrétaire interprète of government and from 1898 also Professor of Persian at É.L.O.V. in Paris. From 1908 also Directeur d’études pour l’Islam et les religions de l’Arabie at É.P.H.É. He was mainly a scholar of Arabic, Persian and Turkish, but much interested in Iran and Central Asia. His brother was the Sinologist Camille Imbault-Huart (1857–1898, on him see TP 9, 1898)  – sometimes their publications have been confused.

Publications: Diss. Traité des termes relatifs à la description de la beauté de Chéref-Eddîn Râmi. Bibl. de l’É.P.H.É. 25. Paris 1875.

– “Mémoire sur le fin de la dynastie des Ilkhaniens”, JA 7:8, 1876, 316-366.

– Translated: Moqaddasi: El-Balkhi, Livre de la Création de l’histoire. 1-6. 1899-1919.

– “Inscriptions arabes et persanes des mosquées chinoises de K’ai-fong-fou et de Si-ngan-fou”, TP N.S. 6, 1905, 261-320.

Histoire des Arabes. 1-2. 381+??? p. P. 1912-13; many further works and articles;

– “Le second grade de la hiérarchie manichéenne”, JA 10:19, 1912, 229f.; “Documents sur l’Asie centrale (Mission Pelliot). Le conte bouddhique des deux frères en langue et en caractères ouïgours”, JA, 11:4, 1914, 5-57; “Documents de l’Asie centrale (Mission Pelliot): Trois actes notariés arabes de Yârkend” JA 11:4, 1914, 607-627.

La Perse antique et la civilisation iranienne. 15+295 p. L’évolution de l’humanité 14. P. 1925, new ed. by L. Delaporte: L’Iran antique. Elam et Perse et la civilisation iranienne. 516 p. 75 ill. 16 pl. P. 1943.

Ed. & tr. Asadī Junior de Ṭoûs, Le livre de Gerchâsp. 1. 8+218 p. Publ. E.N.L.O.V. 6:2. P. 1926 (continued by H. Massé); with L. Massignon: “Les entretiens de Lahore”, JA 209, 1926, 285-334.

Sources: *H. Blémont, D.B.F. 18, 1986, 1382f.; J. Calmard, Encyclop. Iranica 12:5, 2004, 550f.; C. Chaqueri, D.O.L.F. 498; E. Senart, JA 210, 1927, 186-189; Wikipedia.

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