INOSTRANCEV, Konstantin Aleksandrovič

INOSTRANCEV, Konstantin Aleksandrovič. St.Petersburg 5(17).4.1876 — Leningrad end of December 1941. Russian Historian of Iran. Born in a noble family. Student of V. von Rosen. Graduated from St.Petersburg Oriental Faculty in 1899. Dr. istorii Vostoka 1908. Conservator of Ethnographic section of Russian Museum from 1902, from 1921 taught at Petrograd/Leningrad University.

Publications: Dr. diss. Sasanidskie ètjudy. 6+140 p. St.P. 1909.

– “Materialy iz arabskih istočnikov dlja kul’turnoj istorii sasanidskoj Persii”, ZVORAO 18, 1907-08, 113-232; “Venec indo-skifskogo carja, tjurban indijcev v antičnom iskustve i ženskij govornoj ubor Kafiristana”, Izv. AN 6:3, 1909, 135-138; “Reka Īrān-Vēdža v parsijskoj tradicii”, Izv. AN 11:2, 1917, 891-895; “K istorii domusul’manskoj kul’tury Srednej Azii”, Zapiski vost. otdelenija Rus. arheol. obščestva 24, 1917, 1-12.

– “Note sur un point de l’histoire ancienne de Khârezm”, JA 10:15, 1910, 141-145; “The emigration of the Parsis to India and the musulman world in the middle of the 8th century”, JCOI 1, Bombay 1922, 33-70; “The sasanian military theory”, JCOI 7, 1926, 7-52; several shorter articles in JCOI.

Hunnu i gunny (razbor teorij o proishoždenii naroda hunnu kitajskih letopisej, o proishoždenij evropejskih gunnov i o vzaimnyh otnošenijah ètih dvuh narodov). 152 p. Trudy Turkologičeskogo seminarija 13. Lg. 1926.

Further articles and reviews.

Sources: N.E. Vasil’eva, “K.A.I. (1876–1941)”, Pis’mennye pamjatniki i problemy istorii kul’tury narodov vostoka 1, 1985, 10-20 (with bibliography of 50 items); Miliband 1977; *Russian Vikipedija.

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