INGALLS, Daniel H. H.

INGALLS, Daniel Henry Holmes. New York 4.5.1916 — Hot Springs, Va 17.7.1999. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge, Mass. Son of Fay Ingalls and Rachel Conwell Holmes. Grew up in Virginia. Studies of classics, philosophy and Sanskrit (W. E. Clark) at Harvard: A.B. 1936, A.M. 1938. From 1938-49 Junior Fellow at Harvard, also further studies of Navyanyāya under Kālīpada Tarkācārya in Calcutta. Never received a Ph.D. During the war served as officer (code breaker) at Office of Strategic Services in South Asia. After the war returned to Harvard: 1949-54 Assistant Professor, 1954-58 Associate Professor, 1958-83 Wales Professor of Sanskrit and chairman of Sanskrit and Indian Studies Department. Several visits to India. In retirement moved to Hot Springs, Virginia, where his family had long owned a hotel. Married 1936 Phyllis Sarah Day (1911–1982), two daughters and a son (D.H.H.I. Jr., a computer scientist). Died of heart failure.

Ingalls started as a specialist of the difficult Nyāya philosophy, then proceeded to lyrical anthologies and alaṁkāra. He tried to understand Indian literature on its own, free of Western canons. He was popular teacher. Among his many (more than 50 doctorates) students were Kenneth K. Chen, E. C. Dimock Jr., W. Doniger, D. Eck, M. D. Eckel, K. W. Folkert, Ph. Granoff, M. Hara, G. L. Hart III, J. S. Hawley, S. D. Joshi, J. M. Masson, B. K. Matilal, M. Nagatomi, I. V. Peterson, D. Pingree, K. H. Potter, S. Pollock, M. Tachikawa, R. Thurman, G. Tubb and A. Thrasher. In 1951-83 editor of the H.O.S.

Publications: Materials for the Study of Navya-Nyāya Logic. 181 p. H.O.S. 40. Cambridge, Mass. 1951.

“Source of a Mūlasarvāstivādin Story of the Origin of the Ganges”, HJAS 14, 1951, 185-188.; “A Sanskrit Poetry of Village and Field: Yogeśvara and his Fellow Poets”, JAOS 74, 1954, 119-131; “Human Efforts versus God’s Effort in the Early Nyāya (NS. 4.1.19-21)”, S. K. Belvalkar Vol. 1957, 228-235; “Cynics and Pāśupatas: The seeking of dishonor”, Harvard Theological Review 55, 1962, 281-298; further articles and reviews in JAOS, Philosophy East & West, etc., altogether 27 articles and 21 reviews.

Translated: An anthology of Sanskrit court poetry. Vidyākara’s Subhāṣitaratnakośa. 621 p. H.O.S. 44. Cambridge, Mass. 1965; abridged edition: Sanskrit Poetry from Vidyākara’s “Treasury”. 10+346 p. Cambridge, Mass. 1968.

– “The Kṛṣṇacarita of Samudragupta: a Modern Forgery”, JAOS 85, 1965, 60-65; “The Cāṇakya Collections and Nārāyaṇa’s Hitopadeśa”, JAOS 86, 1966, 1-19; “The Harivaṁśa as a Mahākāvya”, Mélanges Renou 1968, 381-394; “Kālidāsa and the Attitudes of the Golden Age”, JAOS 96, 1976, 15-26.

Edited: The Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana with the Locana of Abhinanagupta. 688 p. 1988.

With others: The Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana with the locana of Abhinavagupta. Translated by D. H. H. I., J. M. Masson and M. V. Patwardhan. 837 p. H.O.S. 49. Cambridge, Mass. 1990.

Sources: *M. Hara, IIJ 43, 2000, 7-9, also in Newsl. Int. Assoc. Skr. St. 6, 1999, 67f.; D. Pingree, Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 145, 2001, 204-206 with photo; *Sh. Pollock, JAOS 105, 1985, 387-389; M. Witzel et al., The Harvard Gazette 18.2.2010 (; Sanskrit and Indian Studies: Essays in honour of Daniel H. H. Ingalls. Studies of Classical India 2. Dordrecht 1980 with bibliography, 261-263 (additions in IIJ 27, 1984, 224ff.), and photo; Dir. Am. Sch. 8th ed. 3, 1982; *bibliography in JGJKVS 27, 1971, 275ff.; e-mail obituaty by M. Witzel 23.7.1999 (www.obit.doc); Wikipedia; parents in

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