CARPENTER, Mary. Exeter 3.4.1807 — Bristol 14.6.1877. British Philanthropist and Friend of India. Daughter of Dr. Lant C. (d. 1840), unitarian minister, and Anna/Hannah (?) Hooke, aunt of —> Joseph Estlin C. The family moved to Bristol in 1817, she was educated at the school founded by her father, then teacher there. She opened schools for girls in Bristol, also for the reformation of juvenile criminals, industrial schools, etc. From 1843 active in anti-slavery movement. Unmarried.She became interested in India through the visit of Raja Ram Mohan Roy in Bristol in 1833 and through other visitors. Herself visited India in 1866-67, 1868-69, 1869-70 and 1875-76 “with a view to improve female education, reformatory schools, and the management of jails. She was in communication with the authorities in India, and at the India Office, and with the leading native gentlemen, such as Keshab Chandra Sen…, with whom she founded a ‘National Indian Association’ at Bristol in 1870, to bring Indian visitors and English inquirers into closer relations. Many of her suggestions for reforms and improvements were adopted” (Buckland). She also visited Germany and the U.S.A.

Publications: Last Days in England of the Raja Rammohan Roy. L. 1866.

Six Months in India. 1-2. L. 1868.

– Other writings not dealing with South Asia.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *J.E. Carpenter, The Life and Work of M.C. L. 1879; *A.G[ordon], D.N.B. 9, 1887, 159-161; Wikipedia, long article with photo.

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