IVĂNESCU, Gheorghe. Vutcani, Vaslui 20.10/2.11.1912 — Iași 3.6.1987. Romanian Scholar interested in IE and India. Educated in Bârlad. Studies at Iași, then 1934-35 in Paris and 1935-37 in Rome. Ph.D. 1945 (diss. on Old Romanian). In 1945-52 (Assistant?) Professor of Romanian at Iași, then of Romance Linguistics at Timișoara, from 1969 Professor at Craiova University. From 1971 Professor of IE Linguistics at Iași University. Retired.
Publications: “Divinités indo-européennes empruntées aux populations de l’Asie antérieure et de la Méditerranee”, Studia & Acta Orientalia 3, 1961-62, 117-127; “La formation du panthéon védique”, St. & A. Or. 5-6, 1967, 77-91.
– With Th. Simenschy: Gramatica comparată a limbilor indoeuropene. 496 p. Bucharest 1981.
– Much on the history of Romanian language.
Sources: S. N. Ionesco, WWW in the 20th Century Romania. N.Y. 1994; German and *Romanian Wikipedia
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