JAHN, Wilhelm

JAHN, Wilhelm. Stettin (Szczecin) 7.4.1873 — 19??. German Indologist. Docent in Zürich. Son of a merchant, lost early his parents. After Gymnasium in Berlin and Wernigerode matriculated in 1893. Studied first art and literary history and philosophy, in 1895 at Berlin, 1895-97 at Marburg, 1897-98 at Rostock, and 1898-99 at Kiel, where he changed into Indology under Deussen and Oldenberg. Now studies of Indology 1900-02 at Kiel and 1902-03 under Jolly at Würzburg, where Ph.D. 1903. PD (für Sanskrit und indische Philologie) from 1909 at Zürich, formally until 1918, but in 1914-17 served in marine. In 1918-19 taught Sanskrit at Halle, but then moved, because of an illness, to Locarno. He was accused for illegal money transfer to Switzerland and not allowed to return to Germany, but in 1922 gave an address in Bremen. He quitted D.M.G. in 1922 and thus disappears.

Publications: Diss. Ueber die kosmogonischen Grundanschauungen im Mānava-Dharma-Sāstram. 78 p. Lp. 1904.

Habil. diss. Das Saurapurāṇam. Ein Kompendium spätindischer Kulturgeschichte und der Śivaismus. Einleitung, Inhaltsangabe nebst Übersetzungen, Erklärungen und Indices. 28+208 p. Strassburg 1909.

Articles on Purāṇas: “Die Legende von Devadāruvana”, ZDMG 69, 1915, 529-557 & 70, 1916, 301-320 & 71, 1917, 167-208; “Aufgaben der Purāṇa-Forschung”, Fs. E. Kuhn 1916, 305-312.

Sources: Vita in diss.; a history of Zürich University; www.catalogus-professorum-halensis.de.

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