JEVTIĆ, Pavle. 1??? — 195?. Yugoslavian (Serbian) Indologist. He began his career as a monk and student of theology, but then went to London and studied Indology at S.O.A.S., Ph.D. 1927 there. Returned, he became the disciple of the Serbian guru Dimitrije Mitrinović. He worked in Pressbureau, was portparol of Yugoslav government in exile in London where he died in the early 1950s. Mainly interested in philosophy.
Publications: Diss. publ. as Karma and reincarnation in Hindu religion and philosophy. 4+112 p. L. 1927, also in Serbian translation, Karma i reinkarnacija u hinduskoj religiji i filosofiji.
– Translated: Bhagavadgita. Pesma o božanstvu. Odlomak iz Mahabharate. 68 p. Beograd 1929; Indija. Riznica mudrosti. 93 p. Beograd 1939 (on Indian philosophy, with extracts translated from the Rigveda and the Mahābhārata).
– Articles.
Sources: Mainly based on information kindly offered by Nemanja Radulović; Vyncke, Annuaire 20, 1973, 535; Google offers many references to his books, but nothing else.
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