JOHANSSON, Rune Edvin Arvid. Skåne 1918 — Spånga summer 1981 (when 63). Swedish Scholar of Pāli and Comparative Religion, specialist of Psychology of Religion. After studies of psychology (fil.lic. 1954) he taught for a while psychology as Lecturer at Lund. Employed in F.O.A. became interested in Buddhism and studied Sanskrit and Pāli at Lund and in South Asia (Calcutta and University of Ceylon). Later worked at Department of Religion in Lund, retired early on health reasons. Married. J. Ergardt was his student.

Publications: “Citta, Mano, Viññāṇa – a Psychosemantic Investigation”, Univ. of Ceylon Review 23, 1965, 165-215; “Psychological Causality in Early Buddhism”, Pali Buddhist Review 3, 1978, 22-29.

– Translated: Dhammapada: buddhistiska aforismer. Stockholm 1967, 2nd ed. 142 p. Österländska urkunder. Stockholm 1983; Sutta Nipata: buddhistiska ballader och lärodikter. 182 p. Stockholm 1976.

The Psychology of Nirvana. 141 p. L. 1969; The Dynamic Psychology of Early Buddhism. 236 p. SIAS Monogr. Series 37. Oxford 1979; Buddhismens psykologi: enligt de äldsta källorna. 142 p. Uppsala & Lund 1982; “Defense mechanisms according to psychoanalysis and the Pali Nikayas”, N. Katz (ed.), Buddhism and Western Psychology. Boulder 1983, 11-24.

Pāli Buddhist Texts. Explained to the Beginner. 151 p. SIAS Monogr. Series 14. Lund 1973; original Swedish version publ. in Lund Univ. Årsbok 1967/68; similar primer of classical Tibetan in Lund Univ. Årsbok 19??.

Kulturella beroenden: Sverige – världen – framtiden. 11+180 p. Lund 1970.

Books on pedagogy.

Sources: Briefly in 1973 book; Pali Buddhist Review 6, 1981-82, 116.

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