JUNGE, Peter Julius. Bonn 30.8.1913 — 1943. German Classical and Iranian Scholar. Educated in Breslau, then studies at Vienna and Breslau, joined NSDAP 1929 when still at school. Studies at Vienna and Breslau. Ph.D. 1936 Breslau (under E. Kornemann). Still in 1936 (or 1938?) visited Iran. In 1937-40 in Berlin working on Hellenic Turfan material in Staatl. Museum. From 1940 PD at Innsbruck, soon apl. Professor, partly because of his merits as a Nazi. Soon he had to join the army, and was missing since Stalingrad.
With reason Junge is accused of letting his Nazism to influence his studies (although defended by Shahbazi). In his studies racial arguments have often an important place. True is that he was very careful with his sources and avoided the still common over-emphasis of Hellenism.
Publications: Diss. 32 p. of Saka-Studien. Der ferne Nordosten im Weltbild der Antike. 115 p. Klio, Beiheft 41 (N.F. 28). Lp. 1939.
– Habil.diss. Die Völker der altpersischen Weltreiches. Manuscript, Breslau 1940, first part publ. as “Satrapie und natio”, Klio 34, 1942, 1-55.
– “Hazarapatiš. Zur Stellung des Chiliarchen der kgl. Leibgarde im Achämenidenstaat,” Klio 33, 1940, 1-38; “Ākaufačiya. Ein Beitrag zur Länderkunde des alten Iran,” ZDMG 98, 1944, 369-76; a few further articles.
– Dareios I., König der Perser. 208 p. Lp. 1944 (according to Janert the publ. version of his 1940 hab.diss.), Persian transl. 1957.
– Five articles in RE, e.g. “Parthia”, RE XVIII:2 (36:3), 1949, col. 1968-1986.
Sources: A. Shapur Shahbazi, Encyclop. Iranica 15:3, 2009, 247f. (online 2012); German Wikipedia.
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