HAVERS, Wilhelm

HAVERS, Wilhelm Maria Hubert. Aachen 5.1.1879 — Vienna 2.3.1961. German IE Linguist in Austria. Son of school-teacher Johann Josef H. and Maria Agnes Spiertz (d. 1879). After school in Aachen, studies of classical, Germanic and comparative philology at Tübingen, Leipzig and Berlin. Ph.D. 1905. PD 1909 Strassburg, 1913 Leipzig. From 1915 ord. Professor at Bern (came there only in 1917, after military service), from 1920 at Würzburg, from 1929 at Breslau and from 1937 at Vienna (succeeding Kretschmer). From 1950 Hon.Professor, retired in 1953. Married 1917 Maria Christina Ommen (1891–1854), four children.

Publications: “Das Pronomen der Jener-Deixis im Griechischen”, IF 19, 1906, 1-98

– Untersuchungen zur Kasussyntax der indogermanischen Sprachen. 19+335 p. Strassburg 1911; Handbuch der erklärenden Syntax. 17+292 p. Idg. Bibl. 1:20. Heidelberg 1931; many other linguistic studies.

– “Zur Entstehung einer sogenannten sakralen u-Elementes in den indogermanischen Sprachen”, Anz. Ö.A.W. 84, 1947, 139-165 (in deus, etc., also aum); “Zum Bedeutungsgehalt eines indogermanischen Suffixes”, Anthropos 49, 1954, 182-232.

Sources: Bihl 132; *M. Hartig, Lex. gramm. 1996, 398, *H. Kronasser, Almanach Ö.A.W. 111, 1962, 364-371; G.R. Solta, N.D.B. 8, 1969, 137f.; D.G.K. 9th ed. 1961; briefly D.B.E. 4, 1996, 457; German Wikipedia.

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