HEDSTRÖM, Oskar Fritiof (Frithiof). Tingstäde, Gotland 10.7.1846 — Stockholm 4.3.1925. Swedish Schoolteacher and Student of Philology. Son of Captain Clas H. and Emilie Grubb. Matriculated 1865, from 1867 studies at Uppsala. Kand.fil. 1875, Ph.D. 1875 Uppsala. From 1876 kollega (teacher) in Köping, from 1880 adjunkt (teacher) in Sundsvall (mentioned there still 1905). Also known as a translator. Married Elvine Holter (née Braaten), one daughter.
Publications: Diss. Om Sakuntala, ett indiskt drama. 2+22 p. Uppsala 1875.
Sources: P. A. Ljungberg, Västerås stifts herdaminne. 1. Vestmanland. Örebro 1880; briefly in Dahl & Uggla, Lärarekåren. Stockholm 1898–1909 (with photo), no further sources in Scand. Biogr. Arch.; stray notes in Internet.
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