ARANY, János. Nagyszalonta (now Salonta in Romania) 2.3.1817 — Budapest 22.10.1882. Hungarian Poet. Son of György A. and Sára Megyeri. After a chequered early life he was teacher at a gymnasium in Nagykőrös from 1850, from 1860 in Budapest. 1865 secretary of the Hungarian Academy, retired in 1877. Married 1840 Julianna Ercsey, one daughter and one son. For the first time translated into Hungarian excerpts of the Ṥakuntalā.
Publications: Transl. excerpts of the Ṥakuntalā into Hungarian, publ. in B.G. Németh (ed.), Arany János Összes müvei XI. köt. Prózai müvek. 1. (1860–62). Budapest 1968, 258-272.
– Wrote on gipsies.; several collections of poems.
Sources: Bethlenfalvy 1980, 17 & 22; Wojtilla 1977, 177; Geist. Ungern 1, 2f.; Wikipedia (with picture, more in *Hungarian version).
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