HOEY, William. 1849 — 1919. British (Irish?) Civil Servant in India, interested in History, Archaeology and Numismatics. Studies at Queen’s College, Belfast. M.A. Magistrate in Lucknow (1880). Commissioner in Gorakhpur (1892/98). From c. 1910 Reader in Hindustani and Indian History at Trinity College, Dublin, then at Oxford. Hon. D.Litt. 1882 Queen’s College, Belfast. Married Eleanor Jane Ferguson (1861–1937), three sons and one daughter.
Publications: A Monograph on Trade and Manufactures in Northern India. 3+215 p. Lucknow 1880.
– Translated; Abu Talib Isfahani: A History of Asafu’ Daula. Allahabad 1885; Memoirs of Delhi and Faizábád: being a translation of the Táríḳh Farahbaḳhsh of Muhammad Faiz Baḳhsh from the original Persian. 1-2. Allahabad 1888-89.
– Translated Oldenberg’s Buddha: His Life, His Doctrine, His Order. 477 p. L. 1882.
– “Set Mahet”, JASB 61, 1892, 1-64; “On the identification of Kusinara, Vaisali and other places mentioned by the Chinese pilgrims”, JASB 69, 1900, 74-92, addition on Vaiśālī, JASB 70, 1901, 29f.
– With V. A. Smith: “Ancient Buddhist Statuettes and a Candella Copper-Plate from the Banda District”, JASB 64:1, 1895, 155-163, pl. vii-xi.
– Urdu Praxis; a Progressive Course of Urdu Composition. 4+98 p. Oxford 1907.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet.
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