GRANT, Sara. Shrewsbury 19.12.1922 — 2002. British Missionary and Indologist. Born of Scottish parents in England, educated in a convent in Brighton, converted to Roman Catholicism at the age of 19. After war studied classics at Oxford. She went to India as missionary in 1956 (member of the Sacred Heart of Jesus), stationed in Mumbai. Studied Sanskrit under De Smet, Ph.D. in Sanskrit, University of Bombay. Soon became active in interreligious dialogue, in the 1970s among the leading figures of R. De Smet’s inculturation movement. Contact with Swami Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux, French Benedictine, 1910-1973)  made her interested in Śaṅkara. Taught philosophy in Mumbai and Pune and remained long time as a co-acharya at the Hindu-Christian Christa Prema Seva Ashram in Pune.

Publications: Descent to the Source: Texts for Meditation from the Hindu and Christian Scriptures. Bangalore 1987.

– Towards an Alternative Theology: Confessions of a Non-Dualist Christian. 92 p. Bangalore 1991.

– Swami Abhishiktananda: The man and his message. 183 p. 1998.

– Śaṅkarācārya’s concept of relation. 14+205 p. Delhi 1999.

Sources: Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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