HOROVITZ, Josef (Chajim). Lauenburg, Pommern (Lębork in Poland) 26.7.1874 — Frankfurt 5.2.1931. German Oriental (Arabic) Scholar. Born in a Jewish family, son of the orthodox Rabbi and historian Marcus H. (1844–1910, originally from Hungary) and Auguste Ettlinger, brother of the Rabbi and philologist Jacob H. (1873–1939). Educated in Frankfurt. Studies at Marburg and Berlin (under Sachau), Ph.D. 1897. In 1898 in London. From 1902 PD at Berlin. In 1905-06 study tour in Egypt, Syria and Palestina. In 1907-14 Professor of Arabic at Mohammedan-Anglo-Oriental-College (future university) in Aligarh, India. Also Government Epigraphist for Moslem Inscriptions. As German lost his position in 1914 and after short internment in 1915 returned to Frankfurt. Then Professor there until his death. Married 1907 Laura Schleier (1881–1933), no children. In the 1920s participated in the foundation of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Horovitz was specially interested in early Islam, but also developed to a specialist of Indian Islam and Islamic epigraphy of India. In Indology he is known of his theory deriving Indian drama from Greek mimus.
Publications: Diss. De Waqidii libroque Kitâb al magazi inscribitur. 48 p. B. 1897.
– Edited Die Haschimijjat des Kumait. 24+109+158 p. Leiden 1904.
– Spuren griechischer Mimen im Orient. 104 p. B. 1905.
– Edited the Epigraphia Indo-Moslemica 1909-12 with own contributions, wrote reviews on Indian subjects in OLZ.
– Bâbâ Ratan, the Saint of Bhatinda. Calcutta 1913.
– Indien under britischer Herrschaft. 6+136 p. Lp. 1928.
– Koranische Untersuchungen. 171 p. B. – Lp. 1926; and other works.
Sources: *W.J. Fischel & S.D. Goitein, J.H., 1874–1931. 1932, with bibliography; *Fück 1955, 313f.; *S.D. Goitein, Der Islam 22, 1935, 122-127; B. Horovitz, N.D.B. 9, 1972, 641f.; E.H., Enc. Iud. 8, 1971, 980f.; Wer ist’s? 3rd ed. 1908; Wikipedia (more in German version).
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