HUBERT, Henri Pierre Eugène. Paris 23.6.1872 — Chatou (Yvelines) 25.5.1927. French Sociologist, Scholar of Ancient History and Religion. Born in a middle class family, son of François Hyppolite H. and Rosalie Virginie Vitry. He grew up in Paris, from 1892 at École normale supérieure, agrégation in history 1895. Studied religion and Semitic languages at E.P.H.E. ( under Lévi). Worked at Musée de Saint-Germain. From 1906 Professor at Ecole du Louvre and 1907 directeur d’études at E.P.H.E. (religions primitives de l’Europe) and conservateur adjoint in Musée de Saint-Germain. Wrote with his friend —> M. Mauss on the sociology of Vedic religion in 1898 and other studies. Also friend of Durkheim. He was a socialist and as a Jew combatted racism and anti-semitism. Married 1910 Alma Schierenberg (of Germany, d. 1924).

Publications: Works on sociology, ancient history and history of religions, much on Celts, whose role in European prehistory he saw to be of central importance.

With M. Mauss: “Essai sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice”, L’Année sociologique 2, 1897-98 (1899), 29-138; “Esquisse d’une théorie générale de la magie”, L’Année sociologique 7, 1902-03 (1904), 1-46; Mélanges d’histoire des religions. 236 p. P. 1909.

– “Mithra”, Grande Encyclopédie 23, n.d., 1134-1138; “L’origine des Aryens. A propos des fouilles américaines du Turkestan”, L’Anthropologie 21, 1910, 519-528.

Sources: F.-A. Isambert, “H.H. et la sociologie du temps”, Revue française de sociologie 20, 1979, 183-204 with further references; O. Laurent in Bérose – Encyclopédie des histoires de l’anthropologie. P. 2020 (online, long article with several pictures); *I. Strenski, “H.H., racial science and political myth”, Jn. Hist. Behav. Sc. 23, 1987, 353-367 ; Wikipedia (photo in French version).

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