HUC, Évariste-Régis

HUC, Évariste-Régis. Caylus (Tarn-et-Garonne) 1.8.1813 — Paris 31.3.1860. French Lazarist Missionary in China. Son of Jacques-François-Régis Huc and Marie-Rose Maleterre.  Seminary in Toulouse. When 24 joined the Vincentian order (C.M.) in Paris, 1838 ordained priest and arrived in China in 1839. Worked in Macao, Peking and Heishui near Mongolian border. Together with —> Gabet he travelled through Tibet in 1844-46, but were arrested in Lhasa and escorted to Canton, where Huc remained until 1852. Last years in Paris acting on behalf of the colonizing of Indochina. In Canton he wrote the famous account of his travels. In its time the book was a best-seller.

Publications: A French version (from Manchu?) of the Sūtra in 42 Sections in JA 1849 was deemed by Féer to be “très défectueuse”.

With Gabet: Souvenirs d’un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine pendant les années 1844, 1845, et 1846. 1-2. P. 1850 and many edd. and translations (English 1851, another 1852), new ed. with Préface by F. Lacassin. 30+1148 p. P. 2001.

L’Empire Chinois, faisant suite à l’ouvrage intitulé: Souvenirs d’un voyage… P. 1854, English transl. 1855.

La Christianisme en Chine, en Tartarie et au Thibet. 1-4. P. 1857-58, soon also in English.

– With J. Gabet: Lettres de Chine et d’ailleurs 1835–1860. Éd. établie par Jacqueline Thevenet. 461 p. P. 2005 (collected and annotated from the Annales de la propagation de la foi and Annales de la Congrégation de la Mission, 1847–1850.

Sources: x*“Le voyage de MM. Gabet et Huc à Lhasa”, TP 24, 1925-26, 133-178; A. Vattier, D.O.L.F. 499f.; N.B.G. 25; La Grande Enc. 20; Wikipedia with picture and further references (see also French version).

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