HÜTTEMANN, Wilhelm Ferdinand. Braunsberg/Ostpreussen (Braniewo in Poland) 27.3.1871 — before 1923. German Student of Indology. Son of a school-teacher (Oberlehrer), educated at Lyceums of Metz and Strassburg and until 1890 at Hagenau Gymnasium in Elsass (Alsace). From 1890 studied classical and Indian philology at Strassburg (under Leumann), 1898 teacher’s examination (Prüfung für das höhere Lehramt). Worked as a school-teacher preparing his dissertation. Ph.D. 1907. He was preparing an edition of the Nāyādhammakahāo, the dissertation being part of its introduction. Married with Margarete Volkmar. In 1923 he was referred to as dead by Charpentier (Vijaya Suri Letters 25).

Publications: Diss. Die Jñāta-Erzählungen im 6. Aṅga des Kanons der Jinisten. 51 p. Strassburg 1907; “Miniaturen zum Jinacarita”, Baessler-Archiv 4, 1914, 47-77.

– “Zur Reform des griechischen Unterrichts”, Das humanistische Gymnasium 1903, 226-228; “Eigenes und Fremdes im Deutschen Volksmärchen”, Zeitschrift für vgl. Litteraturgesch. 1904, 159-163.

Sources: Vita in diss.; wife in ancestry.com. It is not confirmed, although likely, that all articles are by the same W.H.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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