HUIZINGA, Johan. Groningen 7.12.1872 — De Steeg, Gelderland 1.2.1945. Dutch Student of Indology, then Famous Historian. Professor in Leiden. Son of Dirk H., a Professor of Physiology, and Jacoba Tonkens, who died when he was 2. After school in Groningen studies there in 1891-97, also Indology at Leipzig. Ph.D. 1897 in Dutch literature (but diss. on Indology, under Speyer). In 1897-1905 school-teacher in Haarlem. In 1903-05 Docent of Oud-Indische litt.- en cultuurgesch. at Amsterdam. In 1905-15 Professor of History (Geschiedenis) at Groningen, in 1915-41 same at Leiden. In the 1930s he spoke and wrote against Fascism and 1942 against Nazis and was then held by them in detention until his death. Married 1902 Mary Vincentia Schorer (1876–1914), three sons and two daughters, then 1937 Augusta Schölrinck (1909–1979), one daughter.

Although Huizinga soon turned from Indology to history, he did not forget his early interest. E.g. the Homo ludens (1938) contains many examples take from ancient Indian literature (Veda, Mahābhārata, Milindapañha).

Publications: Diss. De vidûsaka in het Indisch tooneel. 155 p. Groningen 1897.

Van den vogel charadrius. 17 p. VKNAW 5:3. Amsterdam 1903; “Over eenige euphemismen in het Oud-Indischen”, Album Kern 1903, 97-99.

Large and famous scholarly work on European history.

Sources: Wie is dat? 1935; Groote Winkler Prins 7th ed. vol. 9; *F.W.N. Hugenholtz, Biogr. Woordenboek van Nederland 1, 1979 (online); Wikipedia with photo (more in Dutch version, also references).

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