HUJER, Oldřich. Paceřice, Liberec region 25.11.1880 — Prague 4.6.1942. Czech IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor in Prague. Son of Jan Hujer and Joseph Kovářova. Student of Zubatý at Prague, Ph.D. 1910. Also studied at Leipzig under Leskien. PD 1911 Prague, 1919 ao, Professor and then succeeded Zubatý as the ord. Professor of Comparative IE Linguistics at Charles University in Prague in 1924-1942.
Publications: Diss. on Slavic declension 1910.
– Introduction à l’histoire de la langue tchèque. 1914 (or in Czech, Úvod do dějin jazyka českého).
– “Des recherches tchèques sur la linguistique comparée ainsi que sur la philologie hindoue et orientale”, Revue des travaux scientifiques tchécoslovaques, Section I. Praha 1919 (1924), 115-122
– Many articles, mainly in Czech, often on Balto-Slavic, nothing specially about Indo-Iranian, but often noting Sanskrit parallels.
Sources: *V. Machek, Listy filologické 69, 1942, 81-84; P. Poucha briefly in ArO 19, 1951, 187f.; *Petr Procházka, Oldřich Hujer (1880 – 1942) a kontinuita československé baltistiky. 50 p. Brno 2010 (cand. diss. in Czech, available in Internet); Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté; Russian and *Czech Wikipedia with photo and further references.
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