HUTTON, John Henry

HUTTON, John Henry. West Heslerton, Malton, Yorkshire 27.6.1885 — New Radnor, Radnorshire 23.5.1968. British Civil Servant and Anthropologist in India. Son of the elder J. H. H., a clergyman, and Clarissa Marshall Barwick (1847–1900), educated at Chigwell School in Essex. Studies at Worcester College, Oxford. In 1909 joined I.C.S. and spent most of his career in Assam. Deputy Commissioner and from 1920 also Honorary Director of Ethnography for Assam. D.Sc. 1921 Oxford. Retired 1935, from 1936 William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology at Cambridge. Emeritus 1950. C.I.E. Married 1920 Stella Eleanora Bishop (d. 1944), one daughter and two sons, again married 1945 Maureen Margaret O’Reilly.

Publications: Rudimentary Grammar of the Sema Naga Language with Vocabulary. 95 p. Shillong 1916; “Outline of Chang Grammar”, JASB 25, 1929, 1-101 (a Naga language).

– “Leopard-Men in the Naga Hills”, JRAnthrInst 50, 1920, 41-51; “Carved Monoliths at Dimapur and an Angami Naga Ceremony”, JRAnthrInst 52, 1922, 55-70 & “The Meaning and Method of the Erection of Monoliths by the Naga Tribes”, ibid. 242-249; “Carved Monoliths at Jamuguri in Assam”, JRAnthrInst 53, 1923, 150-159; “The Use of Stone in the Naga Hills”, JRAnthrInst 56, 1926, 71-82; “The Significance of Head-Hunting in Assam”, JRAnthrInst 58, 1928, 399-408.

The Angami Nagas. 480 p. L. 1921; The Sema Nagas. 461 p. L. 1922; The Lhota Nagas. 255 p. L. 1922.

– “Diaries of two tours in the unadministered area east of the Naga Hills”, MASB 11:1, 1929, 1-72, 16 pl..; “Problems of Reconstruction in the Assam Hills”, JRAnthrInst 75, 1945, 1-7; “The Mixed Culture of the Naga Tribes”, JRAnthrInst 95, 1965, 16-43; many other articles, small notes in Man.

Census of India, 1931. 1:1. Report. 10+518 p. Delhi 1933, 1:3. B.Ethnographic Notes. 243 p. 28 p. Simla 1935; Caste in India. Its Nature, Functions and Origins. 8+279 p. Cambridge 1946, 4th ed. 324 p. L. & Bombay 1963, French translation.

Sources: C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, Proc. Royal Anthr. Inst. 1968, 66f.; *A. Macfarlane, Oxford D.N.B. 2004;; Wikipedia.

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