HOFFMEISTER, Werner. Braunschweig14.3.1819 — near Firozshah 21.12.1845. German Physician and Botanist. Son of a priest, in 1827 the family moved to Wolfenbüttel. Lost his parents in the 1830s. Studied medicine and natural sciences at Berlin and Bonn. D.M. 1843 Berlin. In 1844 went to India in the retinue of the Prussian prince Friedrich Wilhelm Waldemar. They travelled in North India as far as the Punjab, also visiting Kathmandu. Shot during a skirmish between British and Sikhs. His brother published the letters he sent from his travel.
Publications: Briefe aus Indien. Nach dessen nachgelassenen Briefen und Tagebüchern herausgegeben von Dr. A. Hoffmeister. 12+393 p. Braunschweig 1847.
Sources: Wikipedia.
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