KINCAID, William

KINCAID, William. 30.10.1831 — Bournemouth 11.2.1909. British Colonial Officer in India. From 1849 Ensign in Madras Army. Appointed to adjust boundary disputes in Bhopal agency, 1864. From 1866 Assistant Political Agent in Bundelkhand, 1876 Political Agent in Bhopal and 1879 in Bhopawar, now also commandant of Malwa Bhil Corps. From 1881 again Political Agent in Bhopal, retired and returned to the U.K. in 1886. Major-General 1890. In 1891 moved to Italy. Married 1866 Martha Pattie Shortt (1843–1933), —> Ch. A. Kincaid (1870–1954) was their son.

Publications: “On the Bheel Tribes of the Vindhyan Range”, JRAnthrInst 9, 1880, 397-406.

“Rambles among Ruins in Central India”, IA 17, 1888, 348-352.

Sources: *A. Tikekar, The Kincaids: Two Generations of a British Family in the Indian Civil Service. N.D. 1992;

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