LA MAZELIÈRE, Antoine de

LA MAZELIÈRE, Antoine Rous, Marquis de. Paris 28.9.1864 — Paris 23.8.1937. French Traveller and Author. Apparently he himself thought to be a specialist, but the reviewers in RHR make it clear that he was a pure dilettante.

Publications: Moines et ascètes indiens. — Essai sur les caves d’Ajaṇṭâ et les couvents bouddhistes des Indes. 306 p. 16 pl. P. 1898 (a travel book about 6 weeks in India).

– Essai sur l’Évolution de la civilisation indienne. 1-2. 439+644 p. P. 1903 (in 16°, still amateurish).

– Also wrote on Japan and China and on art history.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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