LANGE, Antoni

LANGE, Antoni. Warsaw 28.4.1862 — Warsaw 17.3.1929. Polish Poet, Author and Translator. Son of Henryk Lange and Zofia Eisenbaum, a patriotic Jewish family. He began studies at the then Russian Warsaw university, but was soon expelled for his Polish patriotic activity. Worked as tutor and published some poetry, then went to Paris to continue his studies. He returned only when Poland again became independent in 1918 and lived in Warsaw, but gradually wothdrew from society and died more or less isolated.

Publications: Poetry, novels and dramas, many translations from different languages, etc.

– Księgi proroków. 1895 (Books of the Prophets – a collection of cosmogonical poetry referred to Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and Islam).

– Translated: Nal i Damajanti. 1909; Sawitri czyli opowieść o wiernej żonie. 1910 (S. or the story of faithful wife).

– Maha-Bharata. 1911.

Sources: Wikipedia with caricature.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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