LE BONHEUR, Albert. Saigon 6.8.1938 — 8.2.1996. French Art Historian of South and South-East Asia. Educated in Saigon, Hanoi and Paris, studied art history, Sanskrit and Tamil in Paris. Diplome of École du Louvre 1966. The conservator in Musée Guimet, from 1971 also taught at École du Louvre. Ph.D. 1978 Paris 3. Conducted fieldwork in South India and Cambodia.

Publications: Diss. Brāhmīyacitrakarmasāstra, traité sanskrit d’iconométrie, a Sanskrit text with Tamil commentary edited and translated. Manuscript of 331+220 p. P. 1978.

– Much on South-East Asian and Indonesian art art and iconography, especially on Angkor.

Sources: P.-S. Filliozat, Arts as. 51, 1996, 139-141 with bibliography; *R. Webb, Buddhist Studies Review 15, 1998, 73.

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