KAPPUS, Carl. Frankfurt a. M. 6.3.1879 — Berlin (West) 17.5.1951. German Teacher and former Student of IE Linguistics. Son of Heinrich Hector K., a bank employee. After gymnasium in Frankfurt from 1898 studies of French and classics at Marburg (1899-1900 at Berlin), soon also comparative linguistics. Ph.D. 1903 Marburg (under Justi). Worked as teacher, first in Wiesbaden, from 1912 in Berlin (1930 Oberstudiendirektor). During WW I tutor of Prussian princes. In 1929-49 director of Arndt-Gymnasium in Berlin-Dahlem. From 1949 Honorarprofessor at F.U.B. Married Else Malten.

Publications: Diss. Der indogermanische Ablativ. 93 p. Marburg 1903.

A textbook of Latin, new edition of Kaegi’s Greek grammar and of Wilamowitz-Möllendorf’s German translation of Sophocles’ Oidipus (1949).

Sources: Diss. in Janert; www.100jahreagd.de/IE/mainfrs.htm?/IE/main13.htm with photo; German Wikipedia.

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