KEANE, Augustus Henry. Cork ?.6.1833 — London 3.2.1912. Irish Journalist and Ethnological Writer. Educated in Cork, Dublin and Jersey. Graduated from Roman Catholic College, Dublin, then studied in Rome for priesthood, but soon rejected religious career. From 1862 editor of the Glasgow Free Press. For a while studied in Germany, then Professor of Hindustani at University College, London in 1883-85. In his books he propagated racist anthropology, but as he worked more with linguistics than physical anthropology he was not very influential. In his early career he was politically radical and took controversial religious stand, but later drifted away from his Catholic religion.
His Ophir book shows much fantasy. Thus he claims that Ophir was a gold market in South Arabia dealing with gold brought from Rhodesia, the Havilah of the Bible, while Tarshish was its most important port.
Publications: A number of works, e.g.: Asia: With Ethnological Appendix. 31+723 p. L. 1882; Man Past and Present. 11+582 p. Cambridge 1899.
– The Gold of Ophir – Whence brought and by Whom? 18+244 p. L. 1901.
Sources: Wikipedia; stray notes in Internet.
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