KELLEY, Gerald B.

KELLEY, Gerald Baptiste. 24.6.1928 — 7.12.1987. U.S. Linguist, Scholar of Hindi and Telugu. Professor in Ithaca. Born in Massachusetts. Graduated in 1945 from Boston Latin School. Ph.D. 195? University of Wisconsin. Until 1963 taught at University of Wisconsin as Assistant Professor at Departments of Linguistics and Indian Studies. From 1963 taught general and South Asian linguistics, history of English language, and courses of Hindi and Telugu at Cornell University in Ithaca. In 1971-75 Chairman of Department of Modern Lan­guages and Linguistics. He had been Rockefeller Fellow in India in 1957-59 and later visited several times Osmania University in Hyderabad. Died of cancer. Married with Helen.

Kelley was a sociolinguist with main interest in Telugu. An additional interest were the remnants of British Raj in India. He had many Indian students.

Publications: Diss. on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; writings not related to South Asia; editorial work.

– A Grammar of Telugu. 132 p. 196?.

Articles on Telugu, especially phonology, e.g. “Vowel Phonemes and External Vocalic Sandhi in Telugu”, JAOS 83, 1963, 67-73; “Some aspects of the noun phrase in Telugu”, M. B. Emeneau Ṣaṣṭipūrti Vol. 1968, 174-179.

– “The status of Hindi as Lingua Franca”, W. Bright (ed.), Sociolinguistics. Proc. of the UCLA Sociolinguistic Con­ference 1964. Janua Ling. S.M. 20, 1966, 299-308.

– The teaching of Hindi-Urdu in the United States: the state of the art. 24 p. Washington, D.C. 1968.

Sources: Dimensions of Sociolinguistics in South Asia. Papers in Memory of Gerald B. Kelley. N.D. 1992 with life (xix-xxi, by Dimock and Gair) and photo; J.W. Gair, S.J. O’Connor & R.L. Leed in; stray notes in Internet.

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