MØLLER-KRISTENSEN, Frede. Nr. Herlev 6.1.1933 — 21.2.2003. Danish Indologist. M.A. 1960 Copenhagen. She contributed to the C.P.D. in the 1950s and was its editor in the 1960s. In 1966-72 also lecturer in Pāli at Copenhagen University. Then Director of Oriental Department of Kongelige Bibliotek 1969-87. She was dismissed because of alcoholism. After her death (of cancer) it came out that she had stolen more than 3000 valuable books from the library.

Publications: “Indische Religionen (Vedareligionen, Hinduismus, Buddhismus, Jainismus)”, J. P. Asmussen, Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte. 2. Göttingen 1971, 373-506.

– Tekster til buddhismen. 104 p. Copenhagen 1980.

– With K. O. Krogh, Hinduismen. 70 p. Copenhagen 1981, also in Norwegian.

– Articles on Buddhism; chapters on Indian literature in Verdens Litteratur Historie (1971ff.) and on Indian religions in Illustreret Religionshistorie (1968).

Sources: Pauly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 562f.; Danish Wikipedia; *L. Korsgaard, Det store bogtyveri. Copenhagen 2005.

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