MORRIS, John. 1895 — 13.12.1980. British Colonial Officer and Social Anthropologist in India. Served in army in 1915-34, after WW I in India. Retired as Major. From 1938 Professor of English Literature at Keio University and Lecturer at Imperial and Bunrika Universities in Tokyo. In 1943-52 head of the Far East service of B.B.C. and 1952-58 controller for the B.B.C. Third Programme. C.B.E. 1957.

Publications: Living with Lepchas. 13+312 p. L. 1938.

– Traveller from Tokyo. 152 p. L. 1943.

– A Winter in Nepal. 232 p. L. 1963.

– The Gurkhas, an ethnology. 182 p. Delhi 1985.

Sources: Wikipedia.

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