MORÉCHAND, Guy. Paris 1923 — 2002. French Anthropologist. Licencié ès lettres 1948 in Anthropology. Ph.D. 1966 Paris. From 1950 member of É.F.É.O. in Hanoi, 1957-63 in Japan, later in Paris and Pondicherry. Retired 1980.

Publications: Diss. Le chamanisme des Hmong. 1965; mainly wrote on Vietnam and Japan.

– “Paul Mus (1902-1969)”,  BEFEO  57, p. 25-42.

– “Contribution à l’étude des rites funéraires indiens”, BEFEO 62, 1975, 55-124.

Sources: Chr. Culas, BEFEO 89, 2002, 15-18 with photo; Chercheurs d’Asie.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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