KIBAT, Artur. Lyck, Ostpreussen (now Ełk, Poland) 8.10.1878 — 1960/61. German Teacher and former Student of Indology. Son of a postal secretary, lost early his father and was educated at Kgl. Waisenhaus zu Königsberg. After Gymnasium in Königsberg studied in 1898-1904 at Königsberg University modern languages and IE linguistics (under Bezzenberger). Ph.D. 1905 Königsberg. Otto Kibat (1880–1956) is his younger brother and a Sinologist in Gotha. A. Kibat lived from 1910 in Wilhelmshaven, where A. Kibat was teacher at Oberrealschule.
Publications: Diss. Die Behandlung des Langdiphthongs āu in Nom. Acc. Voc. Dualis einerseits und im Locativ Singular andrerseits im Rigveda. 64 p. Königsberg 1905.
– Djin Ping Meh. Unter weitgehender Mitwirkung von Artur Kibat. Aus dem ungekürzten chinesischen Urtext übersetzt und mit Erläuterungen versehen von Otto Kibat. 1-2. Gotha 1928-32 – the publication of the rest was forbidden in 1933 and the whole only appeared in 1967-83.
Sources: Vita in diss.; German Wikipedia “Jing Ping Mei”; scanty stray notes in Internet.
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