KIBAT, Artur

KIBAT, Artur. Lyck, Ostpreussen (now Ełk, Poland) 8.10.1878 — 1960/61. German Teacher and former Student of Indology. Son of a postal secretary, lost early his father and was educated at Kgl. Waisenhaus zu Königsberg. After Gymnasium in Königsberg studied in 1898-1904 at Königsberg University modern languages and IE linguistics (under Bezzenberger). Ph.D. 1905 Königsberg. Otto Kibat (1880–1956) is his younger brother and a Sinologist in Gotha. A. Kibat lived from 1910 in Wilhelmshaven, where A. Kibat was teacher at Oberrealschule.

Publications: Diss. Die Behandlung des Langdiphthongs āu in Nom. Acc. Voc. Dualis einerseits und im Locativ Singular andrerseits im Rigveda. 64 p. Königsberg 1905.

Djin Ping Meh. Unter weitgehender Mitwirkung von Artur Kibat. Aus dem ungekürzten chinesischen Urtext übersetzt und mit Erläuterungen versehen von Otto Kibat. 1-2. Gotha 1928-32 – the publication of the rest was forbidden in 1933 and the whole only appeared in 1967-83.

Sources: Vita in diss.; German Wikipedia “Jing Ping Mei”; scanty stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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