KILGOUR, Robert. 29.4.1867 — 28.1.1942. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary and Nepali Scholar in India. Son of Robert K., educated in Glasgow. Studied theology at Glasgow University (M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889, D.D. 1909). In 1889-1909 missionary of Church of Scotland in Darjeeling. In 1909-32 Superintendent of Translating and Editorial Department of British and Foreign Bible Society. Examiner in Nepali for Calcutta and Allahabad Universities. Married 1891 Agnes Elizabeth Horn, two sons.
Publications: Wrote a few religious books and participated in the Nepali translation of the O.T.
– Paradigm of Nepal Verb. 19 p. Darjeeling 1907.
– with others: Dictionary English–Nepali. 391 p. 1923.
Sources: Who Was Who.
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