KINGSMILL, Thomas William. Dublin 8.1.1837 — Shanghai 26.7.1910. British civil engineer (architect) and geologist, from end 1862 until his death in Shanghai. Son of Henry K. and Sarah Stone. “Was chiefly engaged in exploration and surveying work in China, especially geological work.” Active member of the North China Branch of the R.A.S. from 1864. Married Charlotte Augustine de Rheims Pontet (1839–1922), four children.

Publications: “The Migrations and Early History of the White Huns; Principally from Chinese Sources”, JRAS 10, 1878, 285-304; “The Intercourse of China with Central and Western Asia in the 2nd Century, B.C.”, JRAS-North China Branch 14, 1879, 1-29; “The Intercourse of China with Eastern·Turkestan and the Adjacent Countries in the Second Century B.C.”, JRAS 14, 1882, 74-104; “The Serica of Ptolemy and its Inhabitants”, JRAS-North China Branch 19, 1884, 43-60; “The Vikramaditya Saṁvatsara and founding of the Kushān Kingdom”, JASB N.S. 7, 1911 (1915), 721-751.

– “Ancient Tibet and its Frontagers”, JRAS-North China Branch 37, 1906, 21-54.

– Much on his exploration work, on Sinology and on Western classical accounts of China.

Sources: *G. Lanning, JRAS-North China Branch 41, 1910, 116-118; brief note by H. Cordier, TP 11, 1910, 689; J.C. Ting, British Contributions to Chinese Studies. A type-written manuscript bibliography in, p. 144-151; family details in

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