KLÍMA, Otakar

KLÍMA, Otakar. Prague 15.11.1908 — Prague 29.11.1988. Czech Iranian Scholar. Research Director in Prague. After school in Prague, in 1927-32 studies of Slavic, Germanic and Oriental languages at Prague, i.al. under Hrozný, Lesný and Rypka, Ph.D. 1931 (diss. on Old Slavonic). In 1931-53 taught German at secondary schools (Gymnasium). In 1953-73 Director of the Near Eastern Section of the Oriental department of Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences in Prague. Retired in 1973. Mainly interested in Old and Middle Iranian languages, literatures, religion, and history.

Publications: A Hebrew grammar in Czech. 1956.

Mazdak. Geschichte einer sozialen Bewegung im sassanidischen Persien. 317 p. Prague 1957.

– Manis Zeit und Leben. 560 p. Monogr. d. Orientinst. 18. Prague 1962.

– In Czech: Zarathustra. 220 p. Prague 1964.

– Sláva a pád starého Iránu. 252 p. Prague 1977.

Beiträge zur Geschichte des Mazdakismus. 161 p. Diss. or. 37. Prague 1977.

– Vidévdát. 39 p. Prague 1984 (a selection).

– Oběti ohňům: výběr z památek staroíránské a středoíránské literatury. 346 p. Prague 1985.

More than 200 articles and reviews.

Sources: *J. Bečka, ArO 47, 1979, 169-181 and *ArO 56, 1988, 334-336; D.G.K. 1992; Bio-bibliogr. de 134 savants 1979, 303f.; ‪*Iranian and Indo-European Studies: Memorial Volume of Otakar Klíma‬. 1994; www.databaze-prekladu.cz (in Czech); Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté; *Czech Wikipedia.

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