PERCHERON, Maurice. Archachon (Gironde) 22.7.1891 — Paris 22.12.1963.French Engineer and Author. Son of Alfred P., a physician, and Madeleine Nonès. Participated in WW I. From 1919 worked in aircraft development. In the 1930s several travels in Asia. Married 1916 Suzanne Moreau (divorce 1940) and 1941 Suzanne Boyer, two children with the first.

Publications: Tour d’Asie. 258 p. P. 1936; La Chine. P. 1935; with M.-L. Percheron-Teston, L’Inde. 160 p. P. 1947 (first ed. 1936).

– Récits mythologiques de l’Inde. P. 1942.

– Les conquérants d’Asie. 253 p. P. 1950; Gengis Khan. P. 1956.

– Dieux et démons, lamas et sorciers de Mongolie. 267 p. 16 pl. P. 1952.

– Le Bouddha et le bouddhisme. 192 p. 81 photos. Maîtres spirituels 6. P. 1956 (first ed. 1954), English transl. 1957, Portuguese 1958, Danish 1962, Spanish 1985.

– Légendes épiques de l’Inde. P. 1956; Temples, hommes et dieux de l’Inde. P. 1960.

– Les Grandes Epoques de l’Inde. P. 1962.

– Books on French Indochina, books not related with Asia (much on aviation).

Sources: with two photos; books in

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