KLUGE, Friedrich

KLUGE, Friedrich. Köln 21.6.1856 — Freiburg i.Br. 21.5.1926. German Germanist also interested in IE Linguistics. Son of Karl Kluge and Karolina Schnitz. Gymnasium in Höxter and Soest. From 1874 studies of comparative, classical and modern linguistics at Leipzig (Leskien, Curtius, et al.) and Heidelberg (Hübschmann et al.). Ph.D. 1878 Strassburg. From 1880 PD teaching German and English in Strassburg. From 1884 ao. Professor of German at Jena, 1886 ord., from 1893 Professor of German at Freiburg i.Br. Married 1890 Amalia Karolina Westermann (1869–1893), 1893 Bertha Wohnhas and 1900 Emma Blasberg (1871–1964), two daughters and one son. Kluge is best known of his famous German etymological dictionary, still used in revised editions.

Publications: Diss. Zum indogermanischen Vocalismus. 46 p. Strassburg 1878.

Hab.diss. Beiträge zur Geschichte der germanischen Conjugation. 9+166 p. Strassburg 1879.

– “Kleinere Bemerkungen”, KZ 25, 1881, 309-314 (on the Rigveda and on Sanskrit); “Altindisch paḍbîça und vandhura”, KZ 30, 1890, 561f.

Etymologische Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 24+428 p. Strassburg 1883 and many editions, English transl. L. 1891, also many other publications on German and Germanic.

– “Etymologica”, Festgruss Böhtlingk 1888, 60f.

Sources: G.W. Baur, N.D.B12, 1980, 140f.; Objartel, Lex. gramm. 1996, 520f.; Stache-Weiske 2017, 536; *H. Suolahti, Neuphilol. Mitt. 27, 192?, 165-171; Wikipedia with photo.

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