KOHLBRUGGE, Dina Johanna

KOHLBRUGGE, Dina Johanna (Hanna). Utrecht 25.7.1911 — Utrecht 13.12.1999. Dutch Indologist and Iranian scholar. Gymnasium in Utrecht. Studies of Indology at Utrecht under Gonda. Ph.D. 1938 Utrecht. During the war participated in the resistance movement, during free hours learned Persian and Arabic. After the war further studies in London and then two and a half years as teacher in Iran in order to make herself well acquainted with the land. From 1949 personal eo. Professor of Modern Persian at Utrecht, from 1956 official eo. “Professor in de Iraanse taal- en letterkunde”, now also teaching about ancient Iran. In 1981 emerita. Unmarried.

In her scholarly work Kohlbrugge mainly concentrated on Islamic Iran, on its social psychology, Sufi mysticism with its relation to Christianity and on modern Persian literature (including translations into Dutch), but she also did some work on Avesta and Zoroastrianism (Yasht 19).

Publications: Diss. Atharvapariśiṣṭa über Omina. 6+160 p. Wageningen 1938.

Edited & transl. from the Garuḍapurāṇa: “Glück- und Unglückszeichen am menschlichen Körper”, AO 20, 1948, 36-76.

Publications on Islam and Islamic Iran.

Sources: “een bescheiden onderkomen” 1981, 75-77; dutchstudies-satsea.nl/auteurs.html; profs.library.uu.nl/index.php/profrec/getprofdata/1143/63/121/0 with small photo, parents in geni.com.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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