KOPP, Hermann Oskar. Neckarhausen bei Mannheim 13.6.1902 — 1987. German Indologist (Pāli scholar). Son of Johann Kopp and Margareta Held (d. 1917). Gymnasium in Mannheim In 1920-28 studies of Protestant Theology and Indology (under Zimmer and Walleser) at Heidelberg, for a while at Leipzig, in 1930-34 at Walleser Institute. Ph.D. 1935 Heidelberg. In 1936-39 and 194?-53 in the editorial board of the P.T.S. In 1954-58 Director of Walleser Institute in Heidelberg, in 1959-64 of Mainz Academy (also teaching at the university), from 1964 of South-East Asian Institute at Heidelberg University. In the early 1980s still there. Married 1941 Wilhelmine (Wilma) Augspurger, one daughter.
Publications: Diss. Buddhaghosa’s Kommentar zum 7. Buch des Anguttara-Nikāya. Textkritische Ausgabe. 37 p. Mannheim 1935.
– Manorathapūraṇī. Buddhaghosas’s commentary on the Aṅguttara-Nikāya. After the manuscript of E. Hardy edited by M. Walleser and H. Kopp. 1-5. L. 1924-30-36-40-57 (P.T.S. text series 64-68; 1. by M.W., 2. by M.W. & H.K., 3-5. by H.K.); Indexes to Itivuttaka and Cariyapitaka Commentaries (Paramatthadīpani II and VII). P.T.S. 1979.
– Contributed to the C.P.D.
Sources: Peiris, Buddhism 160; Buddhist Studies Review 4:2, 1987, 143; Peschke, Walleser. 961-986.
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