KOROLEV, Nikolaj Ivanovič

KOROLEV, Nikolaj Ivanovič. Samarkand 8.1.1928 — 18.2.1995. Russian Indologist (Nepali & Newari scholar). Son of a civil servant, in 1950-56 in Red Army. Graduated 1958 from Moscow University’s Institute of Oriental languages. Kand. filol. nauk 1965 (monograph instead of diss.). From 1958 naučnyj sotrudnik at Inst. vostokovedenija of Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Worked in India 1955 and 1959-60 and Nepal 1960 and 1962.

Publications: About than 50 publications, e.g.:

Russkoj-nepal’skij razgovornik. 183 p. M. 1965.

Jazyk Nepali. 151 p. M. 1965, new ed. Nepal’skij jazyk. 140 p. M. 1986.

– “Kratkij očerk grammatiki jazyka nepali”, N. I. Korolev, L. A. Aganina et al. Nepal’sko-russkij slovar’. M. 1968, 1213-1328.

Chapters “Naselenie, jazyki i pis’mennost’”, 25-50, “Religii”, 50-66, “Letoisčislenija”, 66-73, and “Kalendar’ prazdnikov”, 277-279, in Sovremennyj Nepal. M. 1967.

With B. V. Kudrjavcev: Russko-nepal’skij slovar’. 728 p. M. 1975.

Nevarskij jazyk. 132 p. M. 1989.

– “Himalayan Languages of Nepal: Traces of their Genetic Relationship and Contacts (Newari Nagar Kham Limbu Thulung)”, Linguistics: A Soviet Approach. Calcutta 1988, 229-245.

Sources: Miliband 1995.

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