KRAUSE, Wolfgang. Steglitz (now in Berlin) 18.9.1895 — Göttingen 14.8.1970. German IE, Germanic and Tocharian Scholar. Professor in Königsberg and Göttingen. Son of a Gymnasium Professor Arnold Krause (1855–1902) and Else Herold. From 1914 IE studies at Berlin (W. Schulze) and Göttingen (Ed. Hermann), also Classics (Wilamowitz-Möllendorf), Celtology (Pokorny) and Scandinavian. Ph.D. Göttingen 1921. From 1923 PD and from 1928 ao. Professor at Göttingen. In 1929-37 ord. Professor of IE linguistics at Königsberg. In 1937 succeeded Hermann as Professor of IE linguistics at Göttingen. During the war he worked on Runology in Ahnenerbe, but never joined the NSDAP and thus kept his position after war. In 1963 emeritus. He suffered early from an eye ailment and in postwar years became completely blind, but continued to work with the help of his wife and student assistants. Married 1924 Agnes Lüdecke (b. 1895), one daughter.
Krause was mainly known as Scandinavian and Runic scholar. Through his acquaintance with Sieg at Göttingen he also became interested in Tocharian and wrote, especially after the war, important studies on the B Dialect (Kuchean). His student in Tocharian was W. Thomas.
Publications: Diss. “Die Wortstellung in den zweigliedrigen Wortverbindungen untersucht für das Altindische, Awestische, Litauische und Altnordische”, KZ 50, 1922, 74-129.
– “Altindische und altnordische Kunstpoesie”, KZ 53, 1925, 213-248; “Iranica”, KZ 56, 1929, 288-308.
– Hab.diss. Die Frau in der Sprache der altisländischen Familiengeschichten. 247 p. Göttingen 1926.
– Die Kelten. 6+46 p. Religionsgeschichtliches Lesebuch 13. Tübingen 1929.
— Was man in Runen ritzte. 53 p. Halle 1935, 2nd ed. 1943; Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. 10+252 p. Halle 1937; Abriss der altwestnordischen Grammatik. 124 p. Halle 1948; Handbuch des Gotischen. 306 p. Munich 1953.
– Further books and articles on IE, Germanic, Runic, Celtic, in KZ, NGAW, etc.
– Westtocharische Grammatik. 1. Das Verbum. 328 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1952.
– Tocharisch. 51 p. HdO 1:4:3. Leiden 1955.
– With W. Thomas: Tocharisches Elementarbuch. 1-2. 270+264 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1960-64.
– Articles on Tocharian in KZ, NGAW, etc.
Sources: Briefly in D.B.E. 6, 1997, 82: *K. Düwel, Lex. gramm. 1996, 532f.; W. Thomas, N.D.B. 12, 709f.; Indogermanica. Fs. W. Krause. Heidelberg 1960, with bibliography and photo; Wikipedia with photo.
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