KROPATSCH, Anton. Vienna 27.11.1897 — 22.3.1971. Austrian Bauddha and Physician. Studies in Vienna, graduated 1923. Said to have been a well-known Dermatologist and Chief Physician of Leprosy Hospital in Vienna. Collaborated with Nazis and therefore lost his hospital position after the war and held private praxis until death. Apparently interested in Theravāda in the 1930s reading Dahlke’s books.

Publications: Medical works.

Die Letzte Freiheit des Menschen. 92 p. 1957 (anatta).

Wiedergeburt und Erlösung in der Lehre des Buddha. Geinhausen 1963.

Sources: Peiris, Buddhism 157; K.H. Tragl, Chronik der Wiener Krankenanstalten. Vienna 2007, 433; Payer, Materialien 7.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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