LEE-WARNER, William. Little Walsingham, Norfolk 18.4.1846 — Norwich 18.6.1914. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Canon James L.-W., of Thorpland Hall, Norfolk, and Anne Astley. Educated at Rugby and Cambridge (St.John’s College). B.A. 1869, M.A. 1872. In 1869 joined I.C.S., served as Collector in Poona and Satara, Political Agent in Kolhapur, Secretary to Govt. of Bombay, Chief Commissioner of Coorg, Resident in Mysore, and additional member in Viceroy’s Council. Retired in 1895. In 1895-1903 Secretary in Political and Secret Dept. of India Office and in 1902-12 Member of Council of India. C.S.I. 1892, K.C.S.I. 1898. Fellow of the University of Bombay. Married 1876 with Ellen Paulina Holland, four sons. As historian he was a specialist of the modern period.

Publications: The Protected Princes of India. 19+389 p. L. 1894; The Citizen of India. 177 p. L. 1897; The Native States of India. 21+425 p. L. 1910 (much rev. version of his 1894 book).

Life of the Marquis of Dalhousie. 1–2. L. 1904; Memoirs of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wylie Norman. 327 p. L. 1908.

articles in Cambridge Modern History, Enc. Brit. and D.N.B.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; J. F. Fleet, JRAS 1914, 517-520; Who Was Who 1897–1915; *F. H. Brown, Oxford D.N.B. 2004; Wikipedia with photo.

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