LEHMANN, Johannes Edvard. Copenhagen 19.8.1862 — Copenhagen 23.3.1930. Danish Scholar of Comparative and Iranian Religion. Professor in Lund (Sweden). Son of Heinrich L. (1815–1890), a medical Professor in a family of officials with German origin, and Signe Mackeprang (1819–1911). Matriculated in 1880 from Copenhagen, then studies of theology (under F. Buhl) and philosophy at Copenhagen. Cand. theol. 1886, Ph.D. 1896 Copenhagen. In 1886-92 worked as schoolteacher in Sjælland and started the study of religion. In 1892 a five years’ scholarship enabled him to pursue his studies in Germany, the Netherlands, the U. K., France and Italy. His most important teachers were Tiele and Chantepie de La Saussaye. In order to understand original sources he also learned Oriental languages. From 1896 PD and from 1900 Lecturer (University Docent) in the History of Religions, Copenhagen University, where he was the first representant of this new subject and remained there until 1910. In 1910-13 Professor of Theology (“Religionsgeschichte und Religionsphilosophie”) at Berlin, but was not happy in Germany. In 1913-28 Professor of Religion (“Teologisk Encyclopädi och Teologiska Prenotioner”) at Lund University in Sweden. Swedish citizen 1913. Retired in 1927 and lived his last years in Copenhagen. Hon. dr.theol. 1910 Leiden, 1918 Lund. Married in 1896 with Karen Wiehe (1869–1940, daughtet of the royal actor Johan W.), a son and two daughters. His major work was the great monograph on Zarathustra. Among his students was A. Christensen.

Publications: Diss. Om forholdet mellem religion og kultur i Avesta. 76 p. København 1896.

 Hedensk Monoteisme. 82 p. København 1897; Guder og Helte: en mytologisk undersøgelse. København 1898.

In Chantepie de La Saussaye (ed.), Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Freiburg i.B. 1897: “Die Inder”, 4-149, “Die Perser”, 218-358, same again in 3rd ed. 1905; 4th ed. ed. by A. Bertholet & E. L. 1924-25, with “Zur Geschichte der Religionsgeschichte und Erscheinungs- und Ideenwelt der Religion”, 1, 1-130, “Die Perser”, 2, 199-279.

Zarathustra, en bog om persernes gamle tro. 1-2. 182+274 p. København 1899-1902.

“Zur Charakteristik des jüngeren Avesta”, Archiv f. Rel.wiss. 5, 1902, 202-218; otherarticles on Avesta in Theol. tijdschr. 1896, 351-372; ARW 5, 1902, 202-218; and ERE.

Mystik i Hedenskab og Kristendom. 272 p. Kbh. 1904, rev. 2nd ed. Kbh. 1921, translated into German (Lp. 1908), Dutch (1908), English (1910), Swedish (rev., 1915) and Spanish (1924).

Buddha, hans Lære og dens Gærning. 272 p. Kbh. 1907, rev. 2nd ed. Kbh. 1915, 3rd 1920, German translation, Der Buddhismus, als indische Sekte, als Weltreligion. 7+274 p. Tübingen 1911.

Co-editor: Textbuch zur Religionsgeschichte. 8+372 p. Lp. 1912, rev. 2nd ed. 1922.

Religionsvetenskapen. 1. Inledning till religionsvetenskapen. 8+200 p. Stockholm 1914.

Stället och vägen. Ett religionshistoriskt perspektiv. 12+399 p. Stockholm 1917, in Danish 1918.

Edited: Illustreret Religionshistorie. 308 p. Kbh. 1923-24 (with own contributions: “Primitiv Religion”, 3-34, “Parsismen”, 345-390), Swedish transl. 1924.

A number of popular books and articles on theology and religion, schoolbooks, later also articles on social subjects.

Sources: S. S. Hartman, Sv.B.L. 22, 1979, 444 with photo; A. Hvidtfelt, D.B.L. 3rd ed. 8, 1981 (rev. from Joh. Pedersen, D.B.L. 2nd ed. 14, 1938); *E.R. Sand & J.P. Sørensen (eds.), E.L. og Religionshistorien. Et symposium ved fagets 100-års jubileum i Danmark. Copenhagen 2001; Lund Univ. Matr. 1924–25, 159-165 (with bibliography); Danish These for the Doctorate 1836-1926. A Bio-Bibliography, 271; *Køb. Univ. 11; German, Danish and Swedish (with more information) Wikipedias, with photo.

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