LELOUP DE CHERAY, François (Louis Leupol)

LELOUP DE CHERAY, François-Etienne (nom-de-plume Louis Leupol). Cheroy (Yonne) 1.4.1807 — Nancy (?) 1896. French Author and Indologist. In the 1850s and still in 1873 at Académie de Stanislas in Nancy. He collaborated with Ém. Burnouf preparing the first useful French manuals of Sanskrit. Their Reader mainly contains of pieces from Manu and the Mahābhārata. The birth place is known as Chéroy, but the vast majority of Google sources (including data.bnf.fr) give it as Cheray as the last part of his name.

Publications: With Em. Burnouf: Méthode pour étudier la lange sanskrite. 182 p. Nancy 1859, rev. 2nd ed. P. 1861; Dictionnaire classique sanskrit-française. 8+781 p. Nancy 1863–65.

With assistance of Em. Burnouf: Selectae e Sanscriticis scriptoribus paginae. Choix de morceaux Sanscrits traduits, annotés, analysés. 16+230 p. P. 1867.

Brahmâvaevarta purâṇa. Texte, transcription, traduction et commentaire. 57 p. P. 1868 (= Stenzler’s Specimen).

Le jardin des racines sanscrites, ouvrage faisant suite à Methode grammaticale, au Dictionnaire, aux deux Selectae. 18+222 p. Nancy & P. 1870.

Méditations orientales. 1. 23 p. Nancy 1861; Savitri, drame en un acte. 6+54 p. Nancy 1864; other works of orientalizing poetry; Histoire de Lorraine, racontée aux enfants. 174 p. Nancy 1840, and other works on the history and antiquities of Lorraine.

Sources: Stache-Weiske 2017, 540; Windisch 147; Catal. gén. de la libr. fr. 6, 1866–1875.

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