WERTZ, Dorothy Corbett. Buffalo, NY 18.5.1937 — 29.4.2003. U.S. Scholar of Religion. B.A. Radcliffe College, then studied Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics. M.A. Radcliffe. Ph.D. Harvard, in Religion. She taught religion and social sciences at eight New England colleges. Later on concentrated on ethical and social issues in genetics. Married Richard Wayne Wertz (1933–2002), a historian.
Publications: With D. M. Miller: Hindu monastic life: the monks and monasteries of Bhubaneswar. 244 p. 25 pl. Montreal & L. 1976.
– Books on the ethics of genetics.
Sources: B.M. Knoppers in www.nature.com/articles/ng1203-295.pdf?origin=ppub with photo.
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